Covid-Friendly Halloween at Home Ideas

Primary learning resources EYFS KS1 KS2

Much like everything else this year, Halloween is going to be VERY different in 2020, owing to the Covid restrictions and the need to continue social distancing. Whilst there don’t seem to be any specific guidelines telling us NOT to go trick or treating, common sense seems to dictate that knocking on people’s doors and putting multiple hands into bowls of sweets probably isn’t the most sensible thing to do right now. No fear though – children (and adults) can still have plenty of fun, even if it does mean giving the neighbourhood a miss this year. There are still lots of socially distanced Halloween ideas that you can do outdoors, or with your family in the home. Read our Covid-Friendly Halloween at Home Ideas!

  • Devise a neighbourhood treasure hunt, looking at all the Halloween pumpkin posters you see, perhaps giving your child a sweet for every pumpkin they spot.
Halloween Pumpkin Window Poster
Halloween Pumpkin Window Poster

toffee apples

pumpkin carving example spider web

Halloween Haunted House Craft Activity
Halloween Haunted House Craft Activity
  • Have a Halloween “Zoom” dressing up competition.
  • Play pin the nose on the pumpkin.
  • Play pumpkin stomp (literally bursting orange balloons by stomping on them).
  • Make Halloween cone people.
Halloween paper cone craft
Halloween paper cone craft

We have lots of Halloween craft activity ideas to inspire you, as well as Halloween resources to keep the everyone entertained during Halloween 2020.

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