Transition time! Good news is, that means it’s almost the end of term, bad news is, you have to say goodbye to your old class. This also means that it’s time to get to get to know your new class and find out what makes them tick so you’re all ready for September. Read on for our favourite transition ideas – tested and used by real teachers!
EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Transition Ideas
- Always popular, our transition mindfulness colouring pages are great for a bit of downtime, and reflection on the past year, as well as thinking about the year ahead. Works for all ages too.
- This transition pupil passport activity booklet is a great way to get to know your new class, as well as prompt a discussion about passports and why we have them!

- A brilliant low-prep transition worksheet that has everything you need! Use our all about magical me transition activity sheet to get the job done.
- If you’re looking for a really nice end of year card for your class, you can’t go wrong with our end of year pupil editable name and year poster. Personalise for your class for a perfect keepsake. Card version also available.
- Combine art and transition with our transition self portrait with glasses activity. Challenge children to draw something that represents them in each lens, to go alongside their self portrait.
- A gorgeous original eBook story, completely editable, and suitable for EYFS and KS1, our Rose Learns About Transition Story is designed to soothe and reassure children who may be nervous, or curious about what transition involves. Tailor it to your class!
- For those children about to start in Reception, this EYFS Starting School All About Me Activity is an ideal way to find out more about your new children.

- A handy KS1 transition Activity Pack containing everything you need in one handy download! Brand new for 2021.
- If you’re a KS2 teacher, we also have a super useful KS2 transition booklet packed full of fun and useful activities, ideal for years 3, 4 and 5.
- My personal favourite, All About Me Art Activity, really inclusive and “a bit different” to your usual transition activity ideas. Each sheet has a different design and is split into segments which are also numbered. Each number then has a question that the children have to answer through drawing!
- This activity combines transition with an instant display – so that’s one less thing to worry about! Use our Make a Wish Transition Display Pack and challenge each child to make a wish for the year ahead. Pop them on the wall with the rest of the resources in the pack – and you’re done!
- Make a Transition All About Me Minibook! These minibooks are super cute and kids absolutely love doing them!
If you’re not sure how to do the folds, watch our helpful instructional video!
- We’ve made some really useful and original Transition Activity Sheets (also available in black and white) which are great for ages 5 – 8 and come in lots of different designs. Ask children to draw a picture of themselves and write a few words about last year and the year ahead. For less able children, ask them to work in pairs with a more able child who can do some scribing on their behalf.
- For older children, ask them to write a letter to you as their teacher, introducing themselves in a more formal style. Write key words on the board for them to use and you can also use this is a chance to use exciting openers, adjectives and the like! You can use our Writing Frames for this as well to make it all a bit more colourful.
- Fancy getting crafty? Make an All About Me Paper Plate Craft using our handy template. We also have a The Greatest Showman All About Me version too!

- Play a game – ask the children to write three facts about themselves, making one up. Go round the class and ask them to read out each fact and guess which one is false. Great ice breaker!
- Make an All About Me Chatterbox – also known as fortune tellers and cootie catchers. Each child has to write facts about themselves inside and ask other children – or their teacher – to guess. Or ask children to create them for each other!

- Make birthday cards! Ask children to make either a random birthday card for anyone, or something specific for another member of the class. Then when a birthday comes up, then can choose a card from the box. Really nice positive activity!
- Create a shield or crest. Ask children to design their own personal shield (look at Harry Potter for examples!) that really encapsulates them. Great for display for the new term as well!
- Jigsaw display. Ask each child to complete one part of the jigsaw each (you can use our Transition Jigsaw Activity for this) then put it together to make an instant display!

- Write your class rules – together (you can use our class rules template here)! Give out large sheets and thick felt tips and ask children to work in table groups to come up with 5 class rules. Keep them positive (DO rather than DON’T) and then come together to agree on 5 that everyone is happy with. Great positive start to the new term!
- Come up with a class contract that everyone signs. Ask children to work on whiteboards to come up with some ideas for how they expect their class to behave – things like tidy up after themselves, handing in homework on time, doing what is asked of them and how they want adults to behave too. Sign and laminate!
- Another great idea if you also want to create something for display is to make All About Me Bunting on transition day!

- Ask children to apply for class jobs! Show children a list of classroom monitor jobs and ask children to apply for the jobs saying why they think they’d be good at it. Do little mock interviews and appoint based on suitability for the role.
- If it’s your own class you are handing over, don’t forget our cute end of term presents – all part of the transition process. We’ve got Pupil Keyring Gift inserts, Pupil Bookmark Gifts and lots of really nice Certificates too!
- Another great transition activity and end of year gift all in one, are our class photo frames! Ask children to decorate a frame for another child, insert a class photo, laminate, and you’re done!
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In summary, teachers looking for comprehensive end-of-year transition resources for their pupils can explore a range of options to ensure a smooth transition to the next year group. These primary resources include end-of-year transition activities, reflection exercises, and transition worksheets aimed at preparing pupils for moving on. Additionally, teachers can find creative celebration ideas, engaging moving-up activities, and meticulously designed lesson ideas tailored specifically for transitioning pupils. End-of-year transition activities, closure exercises, and transition games further enhance the transition process. With a focus on preparing pupils for the next year group, teachers can access a variety of primary transition activities. Assessment and reflection exercises also play a vital role in gauging pupils’ progress and facilitating a meaningful end-of-year transition experience.