British Science Week 2019 is coming up on the 8-17th March, and we’ve got loads of ideas you can do either at home or at school, these ideas are either free or very cheap and what’s more, kids love them!
We love these 5 minute STEM activities from The Brick Castle – lots to choose from and easy to do short ideas!

A fun activity for all ages, this human body lift the flap activity can be differentiated for all ages, and best of all, kids love it!
Try this EPIC colour changing flowers science experiment from Messy Little Monsters – an absolute classic.

With Easter almost upon us, how about investigating life cycles? We’ve got this super fun chick hatching paper plate craft that anyone can do.
Or how about looking at human life cycles with our human life cycle activity craft.
Make grass heads with our friends at Red Ted Art.

This rainbow walking water science experiment from Messy Little Monster works for all ages. Younger children love the colours, whilst older children love figuring out how it works!

Another life cycle idea is our butterfly life cycle paper plate craft activity – this is one that all ages can do, we prefer the simple template with the craft element – make your own caterpillars, butterfly, chrysalis and more!
Show water movement against gravity as shown by Blue Bear Wood.

Make simple melted love hearts like Jenny from The Gingerbread House.

If you’re looking for Early Years ideas, we loved these pre-school thinking challenges from Mummy 2 Twindividuals.

More great science ideas for Early Years, these 3 really easy kids’s science experiments from Digital Motherhood.

Try some fun egg experiments from Blue Bear Wood.

Make a papier mache volcano like our friends at Red Ted Art.

Try some bubble science from our friends at Science Sparks or their Science Week round up post.

What do you have planned for British Science Week this year?