EYFS Maths Scheme of Work

EYFS maths scheme of work

EYFS Maths Scheme of Work - White Rose Maths aligned

We’re really excited to share the news about our EYFS maths scheme of work, that links perfectly onto our existing maths mastery scheme for KS1 and KS2: Maths Masters and follows the White Rose Maths progression.

Maths Masters is your trusted companion for stress-free maths lessons! Our pick up and go maths scheme is specifically designed to make your life easier and enhance children’s learning experiences. With Maths Masters, you’ll save precious time while nurturing a deep understanding of maths concepts and fostering problem-solving and reasoning skills.

We’ve collaborated with EYFS specialists to create a brand new EYFS element of Maths Masters, to create a comprehensive program that empowers teachers to deliver top-notch EYFS maths lessons in a way that is both captivating and practical. Our approach aligns perfectly with the Early Years Foundation Stage, ensuring consistent and high-quality maths teaching.

Maths Masters keeps things fresh, exciting, and accessible for all, with differentiated ideas and activities that are easy to implement and use every day.. With our hands-on ideas and activities, you’ll be able to engage children easily, all without the need for extensive preparation.

Maths Masters for EYFS is clearly planned out and sequential in its approach, supporting children to build on their knowledge in a hands-on, practical way. An EYFS maths baseline is included, using statements from Development Matters 2022, to assess children’s starting points. Half termly assessments will be added to quickly identify children who need additional support.

What is included in the EYFS maths mastery scheme?

Each week you will find weekly lesson plans included in the lesson pack, these include: 

This not only provides curriculum coverage but will also help each individual pupil progress.

What is maths mastery in EYFS?

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), maths mastery is an empowering approach that challenges the belief that some people can’t do maths. Instead, it celebrates the idea that with hard work and support, every child can succeed in mathematics. By adopting a mastery approach, we can create an inclusive classroom environment where all children are given the opportunity to thrive.

In the EYFS, a mastery approach involves teaching the whole class, ensuring that every child receives the same foundational knowledge. Simultaneously, it allows for teachers to  support those who may need additional assistance, while also providing opportunities to stretch and challenge the most able children. This approach ensures that no child is left behind and that each child can progress at their own pace.

The beauty of the mastery approach lies in its flexibility. As an EYFS teacher, you have the freedom to tailor your teaching to meet the specific needs of each child in your class – using our weekly editable planning. Whether it’s providing extra support or offering more advanced tasks to those who are flying, you have the power to make decisions that benefit every individual child.

By embracing maths mastery in the EYFS, we foster a positive learning environment where all children can develop a strong foundation in mathematics. We can instill a growth mindset, encouraging students to believe in their ability to succeed and to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. With this approach, we empower every child to unlock their  potential and experience the joy of mastering maths.

EYFS Maths Spring Week 7: Length, Height and Time

Each block of the maths curriculum is split into weeks, following small steps of learning. The small steps cover all the learning objectives for each year group. Some small steps will be taught in a single lesson, whereas others will be taught over two or more lessons. Our scheme provides guidance as to when to teach the small steps, but teachers should use their own judgement as to how long to spend on each step, tailoring the scheme to the needs of their pupils.

KS1 & 2 Maths Scheme of Work

Year 3 | Money (Summer Term) Revision Mats Resource Pack

Alongside our Maths Masters for EYFS, we also have a complete maths scheme of work for years 1 to 4.  This includes:

Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!