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Reception Maths Autumn Week 1-2: Baseline Time

Reception Maths Autumn Week 1-2: Baseline Time

EYFS baseline assessment

Reception maths mastery scheme of work

It’s week 1, you want to get to know your children and discover their abilities and knowledge.
It is a requirement for all state schools to complete the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) but it is also useful to complete your own baseline assessment to give you a more rounded understanding of the children’s mathematical skills.

The included statements are taken from Development Matters 2022, from the 3–4-year-old section. There are no specific statements saying what children should be able to do by the time they start reception, the aim of this baseline is to see what mathematical skills and knowledge your children possess so that you can accurately record and monitor their progress over the course of their time in EYFS.

This maths pack for designed for weeks 1-2 and include activities to help you gather evidence for each strand.  Includes number matching cards, 2D shape activities and more.

Explore our EYFS maths mastery scheme of work.

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