Maths Mastery Lessons and Resources

white rose maths mastery scheme of work

Primary White Rose maths scheme of work

Our maths scheme of work: Maths Masters – is a pick up and go maths mastery scheme aligned with the White Rose Maths progression, designed to save you time and help deepen children’s understanding and work towards mastery through developing strong problem solving and reasoning skills. Created alongside maths specialists,  Maths Masters helps teachers deliver high-quality, consistent maths teaching in an engaging and practical way, perfectly covering the national curriculum. Keep maths fresh, exciting and accessible, with hands-on ideas, all with little preparation needed. 

Each week you will find maths lesson plans for primary schools and supporting primary maths resources that are engaging and age-appropriate, ensuring maths lessons that not only provide curriculum coverage but also help each individual pupil progress.

Our EYFS maths mastery scheme of work is set up slightly differently, beginning with an EYFS maths baseline assessment, then progressing onto weekly lesson packs, all aligned with the Early Years Foundation Stage. 

What is maths mastery?

Maths mastery focuses around the idea that people can’t do maths, and celebrates the notion that with hard work, everyone can succeed at maths. A mastery approach allows the whole class to be taught at the same time, giving targeted intervention to children who need it, at the same time stretching the most able children, allowing no pupil to be left behind. This approach allows flexibility, and by following this method, you have complete freedom as the teacher to do what is best for each child in your class. 
primary maths scheme of work

What is a good maths mastery scheme of work?

A maths mastery scheme of work is intended to help children develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and to become more confident and capable problem solvers. It provides ready made resources that teachers can use to save them time with preparation, whilst giving them the confidence to deliver high quality lessons that they know are aligned with the maths mastery approach and small steps. A good maths mastery scheme of work provides you with maths lesson plans, maths teaching slides, accompanying resources and assessment materials to enable children to make rapid progression in their mathematical understanding. The lessons should have a clear sequence, building on knowledge and skills acquired in the previous lesson, whilst recapping and reminding children of previous learning. Engaging resources and differentiation are also key, and will make sure that every child’s needs are catered for.

What is the CPA approach (concrete-pictorial-abstract)?

Children often find maths difficult because of the abstract concepts involved. It is often referred to as a language that many people don’t speak or understand! By using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach we are ensuring children have a deep understanding of the concept being taught. Children start with concrete apparatus before moving on to pictorial representations and finally begin to use abstract symbols in order to enhance procedural fluency and conceptual understanding.

what is the CPA approach in maths?

What are maths small steps?

Each block of the maths curriculum is split into weeks, following small steps of learning. The small steps cover all the learning objectives for each year group. Some small steps will be taught in a single lesson, whereas others will be taught over two or more lessons. Our scheme provides guidance as to when to teach the small steps, but teachers should use their own judgement as to how long to spend on each step, tailoring the scheme to the needs of their pupils.

Maths Masters Block 2 Knowledge Organiser Preview

EYFS maths mastery scheme of work

Our EYFS maths mastery scheme of work. everything you need to teach maths with ease in  Reception. The resources include:

  • detailed EYFS maths lesson plans including small steps, vocab, key questions, whole-class teaching activity, adult-led activity, problem solving activities and continuous provision enhancements.
  • EYFS maths lesson slides, linked to the planning.
  • EYFS maths differentiated worksheets, linked to the planning.
  • EYFS maths differentiated activity cards, linked to the planning

All aligned with the Early Learning Goals.

EYFS baseline assessment

KS1 maths scheme of work

We have developed our KS1 maths mastery scheme to align with children’s abilities and interests at that age. The  KS1 maths scheme resources contain everything you need for years 1 and 2, to save you time and help you teach maths with ease. You can explore year 1 and 2 maths yearly overviews and Maths Masters product guide here.

You may find that your existing maths scheme doesn’t have everything you need to develop maths effectively, is too ‘wordy’, or just isn’t engaging enough. This is where Maths Masters comes in! Our maths resources have been specifically designed to make your life as a teacher easier, whilst delivering high quality learning experiences for children to help them make rapid progression in maths.

ks1 maths scheme of work based on the White Rose progression

KS2 maths mastery scheme of work for primary schools

For our KS2 maths scheme, we have evolved our characters and designs to ensure that our maths resources are age-appropriate for older children, in keeping with their maturity levels and interests. The resources still provide full coverage of the maths curriculum, and follow the small steps as you’d expect.

Features of our maths mastery scheme for primary schools

The Maths Masters resources are categorised  into teaching blocks, and then divided into the appropriate week, based on the small steps, to help you find what you need easily and quickly.

White Rose maths scheme of work

Whats included in our maths mastery scheme of work for primary schools?

Maths Mastery lesson plans

  • Editable weekly maths lesson plans that include an outline of that week’s teaching activities.
  • Contains vocabulary, small steps, and national curriculum links as well as assessment questions.
  • Gives advice on common misconceptions/typical errors.
  • Ideas for further activities, problem solving and challenges for fluency and variation.
  • Comes complete with web links to the resources needed for each lesson – just click and go!
Year 3 | Time Lesson Plan | Summer Block 3 Week 5

Maths mastery whiteboard lesson presentations

  • Animated and editable, ‘pick up and go’ maths mastery whiteboard lesson presentations to guide you through the learning and modelling.
  • Can be used by teachers, teaching assistants and other support staff.
  • The maths presentations come complete with teaching notes to help you deliver the lessons and explain each concept more fully.
  • Fluency and problem solving activities.
Year 2 | Measuring Mass in Grams and Kilograms Lesson Presentation

KS1 & KS2 maths mastery worksheets

  • Differentiated maths mastery worksheets that allow children to practise the modelled learning. We have made these worksheets in an engaging and child-friendly style to make maths fun and interactive.
  • Maths mastery activity cards that are perfect for provision areas, or hands-on learning – great as an alternative to worksheets. 
Year 3 | Quarter Past and Quarter To Worksheets

Maths mastery revision mats

Differentiated maths revision mats that assess and consolidate that week’s learning. Also ideal for home learning, or as morning tasks.

money revision mats for year 3

Maths mastery assessments

At the end of each block, we have provided differentiated maths mastery assessments to help you identify gaps in children’s knowledge.

The assessments are set out like SATs maths papers in order to help children prepare for the tests, and are ideal for showing progression and providing evidence for teacher judgements.

Use this Year 3 | Summer Block 1 Fractions Assessment to assess children's knowledge and skills of fractions.  Created in the style of SATs papers.

Differentiation in maths mastery

  • Maths mastery worksheets and assessments are differentiated at two levels (aimed at those developing an understanding and those at the expected standard).
  • Those at the developing level contain more scaffolding and visual prompts to support pupils. 
  • Each maths mastery lesson plan and presentation provides challenges and ideas for further problem solving activities.
  • Opportunities to differentiate by working in a guided group, working collaboratively (such as in mixed ability pairs), or by using concrete equipment such as cubes or number lines. 
  • Plans are editable with a section for notes so that lessons and activities can be adapted to meet the needs of all pupils.

Want to see more? Download a free maths sample pack via the link below.

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Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!