Diwali Classroom Activities

Diwali classroom resources

Are you looking for Diwali Classroom Activities this year? Or perhaps Diwali worksheets, Diwali crafts or Diwali EYFS activities? Then you’re in the right place! We’ve lots of Diwali ideas to help you, and best of all, children will love them!

What is Diwali?

Diwali is the Hindu festival of light and is India’s most important holiday. It is a five day celebration and each day has a special significance. Diwali celebrates the return of Rama and Sita, and is a story about how good wins over evil.

Diwali Classroom Activities – Diwali Information PowerPoint EYFS and KS1

If you want to explain Diwali to children in a clear, easy to understand way, why not use our Story of Rama and Sita Diwali Information PowerPoint? A great way to start off your Diwali topic with child-friendly photos and explanation of this important festival.

The Story of Rama and Sita Diwali PowerPoint
The Story of Rama and Sita Diwali PowerPoint

Diwali EYFS resources

Children really enjoy being creative, and making Diwali crafts, so our Rangoli 2d shape activity sheets are spot on for both learning and creating. Children can use either a blank paper plate, or normal A4 paper to create their very own rangoli patterns. So easy and fun, and children can get really creative! Remember, it’s the process rather than the final result that’s important here.

Rangoli 2D Shape Activity Sheets
Rangoli 2D Shape Activity Sheets

If you’re looking for EYFS Diwali lesson plans, then we’ve got this awesome rangoli pattern focus plan for an inspiring provision activity. Don’t forget our Diwali rice recipe to help you create the perfect rainbow colour!

Diwali Rangoli Pattern Focus Early Years Activity
Diwali Rangoli Pattern Focus Early Years Activity

Our Diwali diva lamp focus plan, is an ideal enhanced provision activity, with links to the EYFS, and gives you awesome inspiration for creating something meaningful, fun and creative – all linked to your Diwali topic.

Diva Lamp Focus Plan Early Years
Diva Lamp Focus Plan Early Years

Diwali classroom worksheets

Moving on from, but including EYFS, we’ve a plethora of Diwali worksheets for all ages, including Diwali craft resources, Diwali mindfulness colouring and more!

Our Diwali lantern craft template is ideal for a no-mess Diwali craft – children simply colour, stick and go! It’s also a great Diwali treat to take home to parents, or display in your classroom or setting.

Diwali Lamp Paper Craft Template
Diwali Lamp Paper Craft Template

For something easy, low prep and fun, try our Diwali mindfulness colouring sheets. You can leave these out in your continuous provision area, or use as a way to encourage mindfulness and creativity.

Diwali mindfulness Rangoli Pattern Colouring Pages
Diwali mindfulness Rangoli Pattern Colouring Pages

Something that all children really enjoy is designing their own Mehndi patterns, or using ours with these Diwali Mehndi Pattern Template.

Diwali Mehndi Pattern Templates

Diwali crafts for kids EYFS KS1

There are SO many things that you can do for Diwali with kids, it’s such a great time of year to inspire and get children engaged with learning. You could make Diwali Rangoli patterns friendship bracelets as a way to enhance fine motor skills, or as part of your Art and design topic – ideal for EYFS expressive arts too. Put out in your provision area and see what children come up with!

Diwali Rangoli Friendship Bracelet Templates
Diwali Rangoli Friendship Bracelet Templates

You could also do some Diwali baking, with our Khajur Burfi recipe cards.

Diwali Khajur Burfi Recipe Cards
Diwali Khajur Burfi Recipe Cards

Make Diwali a key part of your provision area with our Diwali Role-play masks, ideal for speaking and listening, and acting our stories too.

Diwali Role-Play Masks
Diwali Role-Play Masks

Like what you see? Save time and celebrate Diwali with our tried and tested high quality teaching resources by signing up for a Mrs Mactivity membership today.

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