SPaG Scheme Year 6 Autumn Term Spelling Strand

SPaG Scheme Year 6 Autumn Term Spelling Strand

SPaG Scheme Year 6 Autumn Term Spelling Strand

Primary spelling scheme

This SPaG Scheme Year 6 Autumn Term Spelling Strand contains weekly spelling lists for a whole academic year and can be used alongside the rest of our Spectacular SPaG scheme. Where possible, we have made links between the spellings and the SPaG lessons, but they can also be used as stand-alone resources.

These spellings are designed to be used by Year 6 pupils as they are based upon the DfE spelling appendix for this year group. However, professionals may choose to use the spellings and related activities with other year groups if appropriate.

Each half term consists of six weeks of spellings. In the summer term, there is a block of three consolidation weeks to give teachers opportunity to revisit and review any areas that need additional practice before and during SATs week. A final consolidation week at the end of the year allows opportunity to review the year’s spellings or to teach transitional spellings ready for Year 7.

The Spectacular SPaG scheme also includes activities and worksheets to practise the weekly spellings both in school and at home. These resources can be used to fit within your own timetabled sessions for spelling practice.

We recommend that you start each week by introducing the spelling list and discussing the meaning of each word.

The Look, say, cover, write and check sheets are ideal for an initial practice session in class and there are individual weekly spelling list to be cut out and stuck into spelling books or home reading records for practice at home.

The number of spelling sessions per week will be dependent on your own timetable. Frequently revisiting the spelling & lists through different activities such as tracing, writing out the spellings and using the range of tasks on the KS2 spelling activity cards will enable children to secure their knowledge in a fun and enjoyable way.

It is intended that children participate in a spelling test each week, checking if they have learnt the set of words. It is advisable that this is done in a spelling book as a record of individual attainment, and this also enables teachers to assess if there are any particular difficulties or children who may need an adapted version of the weekly spellings. It may be more suitable for some children to do the spelling test in a small group or 1:1 with an adult.

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