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SPaG Scheme Year 6 Assessment Tracker

SPaG Scheme Year 6 Assessment Tracker

SPaG Scheme Year 6 Assessment Tracker

Primary spelling and grammar assessments

Help track your pupils progress in spelling and grammar with our SPaG Scheme Year 6 Assessment Tracker. Designed to be used alongside our Spectacular SPaG assessment resources, use this spreadsheet to identify gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills, or areas of strength.

How to use

Input pupil names along row 3.  When you make a SPaG assessment, use the drop down list in each cell to indicate whether or not the pupil has achieved the small step.  The colour of the cell will change automatically to match the key shown to the left.

There is an option of ‘not assessed‘ if the pupil was absent for an assessment or if it is not appropriate for them to be assessed against the small step objective for this year group.

For weekly spelling scores, there is no drop down list, just input the score obtained out of 9, 10 or 11.

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