Year 4 Spring Block 2

Topic – measurement – length and perimeter

Small steps

➡️ Measure in km and m
➡️ Find equivalent lengths (m and km)
➡️  Find the perimeter on a grid
➡️ Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle
➡️ Calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes
➡️ Find missing lengths
➡️ Calculate perimeters with missing lengths
➡️ Calculate the perimeter of regular polygons
➡️ Calculate the perimeter of irregular polygons

National curriculum

🏫 Convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute]
🏫 Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres

Year 4 spring block 2 White Rose-aligned, Length and Perimeter resources year 4

In Year 4, pupils are expected to:

1. Measure and Estimate Length:
– Measure and compare lengths using standard units (e.g., meters, centimetres, millimetres).
– Convert between different units of length (e.g., centimetres to metres).

2. Perimeter:
– Calculate the perimetre of simple 2D shapes, including rectangles and rectilinear shapes. Perimetre is the total distance around the outside of a shape.

3. Problem Solving:
– Apply their understanding of length and perimetre to solve practical problems. This may involve finding the perimetre of a garden, a classroom, or other real-life scenarios.

The emphasis is typically on developing a practical understanding of measurement and applying these concepts to solve problems. Pupils may use rulers, meter sticks, or other measuring tools to carry out these activities.

Length and perimeter resources for year 4 include lesson slides, lesson plans, differentiated worksheets, activity cards, assessments, revision mats and maths knowledge organisers.