Year 4 Spring Block 1

White Rose Maths year 4 maths resources

Elevate your multiplication and division lessons with our specialist designed resources, aligned with year 4 White Rose maths progression, but simpler and easier to understand and teach. Perfectly aligned with the Year 4 National Curriculum for KS2 maths.

Navigating through the intricacies of multiplication and division can be a thrilling adventure with our comprehensive resources. Say goodbye to mundane drills and hello to interactive worksheets, captivating games, and real-world applications that seamlessly integrate into your lesson plans.

Our materials follow the progression outlined in the National Curriculum, ensuring that your pupils build a robust understanding of multiplication tables and division strategies. Visual aids and hands-on activities are strategically incorporated to cater to diverse learning styles, making your classroom an inclusive and vibrant hub of mathematical exploration. Resources include comprehensive maths lesson plans, maths teaching slides, differentiated worksheets and much more.

As a Year 4 teacher, you can trust that our resources are not just aligned with the curriculum but are also crafted to inspire curiosity and a love for mathematical learning. Whether you’re looking for innovative lesson starters, engaging and interactive powerpoints, or differentiated worksheets, we’ve got you covered.

Year 4 Maths National Curriculum for Multiplication and Division

1. **Multiplication:**
– Recall and use multiplication facts up to 12 × 12.
– Recognise and use multiples.
– Recognise and find factor pairs of a number.
– Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit.

2. **Division:**
– Recall and use division facts up to 12 ÷ 12.
– Recognise and use multiples and factors, including prime numbers.
– Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using formal written methods of long division and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context.
– Solve problems involving division by using a range of mental and written methods.

3. **Problem Solving:**
– Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts.
– Solve two-step problems, including using the four operations.

4. **Mathematical Reasoning:**
– Use multiplication and division as inverse operations to check calculations.
– Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers.

5. **Times Tables:**
– Develop rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 12 × 12.
– Use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 multiplication tables.

These objectives aim to ensure that by the end of Year 4, students have a solid understanding of multiplication and division concepts and can apply them to solve a variety of mathematical problems. Always refer to the specific curriculum documents provided by your educational authority for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!