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Year 3 White Rose aligned length and perimeter maths mastery resources for the Spring term.  Includes year 3 maths mastery worksheets, year 3 maths mastery activity cards, games, slides and more to develop maths matters skills for year 3 children.

Enhance children’s maths skills with year 3 length and perimeter maths mastery resources

Our year 3 Maths Mastery resources are the perfect solution for students in their third year of primary school. These resources have been designed to build upon the foundation of mathematical knowledge and skills, providing students with a deep understanding of mathematical concepts through engaging and hands-on activities. With a strong focus on mastery, students will leave with a thorough and long-lasting understanding of mathematical principles, enabling them to confidently apply their knowledge in various situations. These maths resources for year 3 help to lay a foundation for future success. Enhance children’s maths skills today with these White Rose maths aligned Year 3 Maths Mastery resources.

Save time and help children develop maths skills with high quality, time-saving maths mastery resources for year 3. Our year 3 spring maths mastery resources include:

The best thing is that we have put together all of our resources for year 3 length and perimeter in the spring term and created a year 3 weekly lesson plan, telling you exactly how to use the resources we’ve created during the week.  This aims to save you lots of time as well as to ensure that children are covering the correct learning content – all nicely linked to the national curriculum for maths in year 3.

What topics are covered in year 3 maths skills mastery resources?

In year 3 spring block 2, our maths mastery resources are specifically covering length and perimeter, moving on from the work covered in the Autumn term. Resources include measuring objects, comparing measurements and more!

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