Classroom Set Up/Display

EYFS & KS1 Classroom display resources

Teachers are often looking for ways to capture the attention of their pupils with an engaging classroom environment, to better enhance learning experiences for EYFS and KS1 pupils. One way to achieve this is through eye-catching classroom display resources. Whether you’re a teacher looking for inspiration or a teaching assistant aiming to revamp learning spaces, we have a wide range of display resources that we think you’ll really love.

1. **Interactive displays:**
– Set up display areas that children can touch and feel, perhaps moving labels around or completing a phonics activity. This will mean that children are more likely to engage with the activity and further develop learning.

2. **Natural display resources**
– In the past few years, hessian display resources have become really popular, creating a calm and natural display environment.

3. **Educational Posters**
– Educational posters play a vital role in enhancing the learning environment within classrooms, offering teachers a versatile and visually engaging tool to support their teaching. Our classroom display posters are designed to convey information in a concise and visually appealing manner, making complex concepts more accessible to students.

4. **Pupil-Created Displays:**
– Asking pupils to take ownership of your display areas will not only create a great visual effect, it will also encourage your pupils to feel a sense of belonging and respect towards the classroom environment. We have a range of pupil created display resources to help with this.
– Don’t be afraid to showcase your pupils’ written work, art work and more! This is a quick and easy to way to create an instant classroom display with minimal printing and effort from you.

5. **Accessible and inclusive**
– Ensure that your display is accessible to all pupils considering factors like font size, colour contrast, and readability. Create displays that are inclusive and celebrate the diversity of your local community and pupils.

6. **Pinterest-worthy classroom decor:**
– Take inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram but don’t expect your classroom to look exactly the same! Even the displays on Pinterest won’t look like that ALL the time. Take the inspo but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Your classroom display should and will always look like a work in progress.

7. **Botanical display resources**
– It’s kind of nice to make your classroom feel a bit like your home, and that’s probably why our botanical display resources are so popular! With elements of ivy and sage, these classroom resources for EYFS and KS1 are super calming and refreshing and will make your classroom feel tranquil.

A well designed classroom display is essential for engaging pupils and can really work to enhance learning experiences. By incorporating interactive displays, thematic elements, educational posters, pupil-created content, and flexible arrangements, you can create a dynamic and engaging learning space.

Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!