Purchase Confirmation

Thank you for joining Mrs Mactivity, your purchase receipt is belowThis account is strictly for individual use only, so that means that you agree not to download our resources for anyone else, or share login details. If you are are signing up to use our schemes of work and resources as a school then you need a school account, please email [email protected] to find out how to change your account.

We’ve sent an email to the e-mail address provided during checkout with your username and a password reset link, if you can’t find this in your inbox, please check your spam folder. We also recommend adding [email protected] to your contacts/safe sender list.

We recommend that you reset your password to something more memorable here. You can also change your email address, should you change schools (if you’ve used your school email address) in your account area. If you move schools and don’t update your email address, we have no way of getting in touch with you regarding your account.

You have also set up a subscription, but you can cancel this at any time. Remember if you do cancel though and want to renew later, you will have to pay the new price, rather than lock in the current price.

On your bank statement, you will see “Mrs Mactivity – Membership” this is your payment to us. If you have any questions or need any help, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us on [email protected] and we’ll get back to you within 1 working day. 

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Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!