KS1 visual timetable resources
Download our KS1 visual timetable so your children know what is happening when during the school day. This timetable includes: provision, art, SPaG, assembly, English, carpet time, circle time, computers, cooking, D&T, P.E., dance, French, history, geography, science, computing, handwriting, phonics, maths, milk and much more!
This visual timetable for KS1 includes a range of pictures showing children the main activities for the school day. Visual timetables enable children to know and expect what is happening throughout the school day. They are great for giving structure to the day using pictures to represent the subjects or activities for that part of the day.
This visual timetable is a real classroom essential and can be used as a whole class tool or for children with Special Educational Needs (SEND).
Explore the rest of our KS1 Visual Timetables.