Transition Resources

Transition resources EYFS KS1 KS2

The school year is coming to an end, and it’s the time of year when teachers and pupils are starting to think ahead to September, moving on to the next class or phase in school. We have created a range of transition resources for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 that we think will inspire, engage and motivate pupils as well as provide meaning and challenge, and help them with the transition process. It can be a difficult as well as an exciting time, and we have a range of resources to help with this including: KS1 transition booklet, EYFS transition booklet, KS2 transition booklet. Use our animated transition video to help soothe any nerves or fears about making a change to the new year group. This transition art activity and transition mindfulness colouring pages are so easy to prepare, and children love the creative aspect too.

You can also use this transition display pack to create a perfect instant display for your new class, as well as this cute end of year pupil certificates to say goodbye to your current class.

Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!