EYFS Maths Autumn Block 5

EYFS math scheme circles and triangles. Autumn block 5 White Rose maths aligned scheme of work for Reception

Explore our EYFS maths scheme of work for Reception aged children. We have provided a comprehensive and easy to follow White Rose aligned maths scheme for the block ‘Circles and Triangles’. Here some additional ways to teach children in EYFS about shapes.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework is a comprehensive and statutory curriculum for early childhood education in the United Kingdom. It focuses on the development of children from birth to five years old, providing a holistic approach to learning that covers various aspects, including mathematics. In the context of EYFS maths, the exploration of shapes such as circles and triangles plays a crucial role in developing a child’s mathematical understanding.


Introducing circles to young learners is a fundamental part of their early mathematical education. Circles are a two-dimensional shape with a set of defining characteristics that children can explore and understand through various activities. In the EYFS setting, activities involving circles might include:

1. **Shape Recognition:** Children can learn to identify circles in their environment, whether it be in everyday objects or shapes they encounter in books or games.

2. **Art and Craft:** Engaging in art and craft activities that involve drawing, cutting, or creating circles allows children to develop fine motor skills while exploring the properties of this particular shape.

3. **Outdoor Play:** Incorporating circle-related activities in outdoor play, such as rolling and catching balls or using hula hoops, helps children understand the concept of round shapes in a practical and enjoyable manner.

4. **Group Games:** Circle time activities can involve discussions about circles, encouraging children to share their observations and ideas related to this shape.


Triangular shapes are another essential aspect of EYFS maths, contributing to the development of spatial awareness and mathematical reasoning. Here are some activities that focus on triangles in the early years:

1. **Building with Blocks:** Using building blocks, children can construct and explore triangular shapes, learning about the three sides and three corners of a triangle.

2. **Outdoor Exploration:** Triangles can be found in nature, such as in leaves or certain rock formations. Taking children on outdoor trips or incorporating nature into classroom activities can enhance their understanding of triangles.

3. **Artistic Expression:** Art projects involving cutting and arranging paper into triangles encourage creativity while reinforcing the recognition of this geometric shape.

4. **Storytelling:** Integrating triangles into storytelling or incorporating them into picture books helps children associate the shape with real-world objects and scenarios.

In both cases, the emphasis is on hands-on, play-based learning experiences that allow children to explore shapes in a meaningful and enjoyable way. The EYFS framework recognizes the importance of fostering a positive attitude toward mathematics from an early age, and activities involving circles and triangles contribute to the development of essential mathematical concepts in young learners.

Summer SPaG scheme lessons – now uploaded!