Classroom tray labels, tray label resources, tray label printables, tray label classroom resources.

How do I use these tray labels?

Use these tray labels in your classroom to add a hint of colour and sparkle to your display areas. Use on your equipment trays to keep things super-organised, including pencil labels, glue stick labels even A4 paper labels. These classroom tray labels also work really well as pupil tray labels, type or write on each child’s name onto their label, and stick on to the front of their tray to help them settle in and feel right at home. Can also be used to label baskets of equipment and as part of your working wall – labelling features of a text for example, or creating a small banner or description. Explore our editable tray labels, so you can type straight onto them, though it’s always good for children to see handwritten labels, so they get an idea of different types of handwriting.

You can also type onto these classroom tray labels in different languages, to help children with their French skills for example.  These tray labels will help you feel super-organised and help children to be independent, encouraging routines and making things quick and easy when it comes to finding equipment.

Why use classroom trays?

Classroom trays are great for helping children keep all of their belongings in one place, keeping things neat and tidy. A personalised space that children can call their own – a home from home if you like! Children can also decorate their tray labels themselves, to help create something personalised. With a huge range of designs and colours to choose from, we’re sure that our tray labels will make your classroom the perfect learning environment.