Big Schools’ Birdwatch resources and ideas
A naturally inspired EYFS range with elements of sage, hessian and ivy. Includes weekly provision topic packs on a variety of themes, all linked to the EYFS.
A collaboration with Miss LVT, Early Years leader. This Big Schools’ Birdwatch Provision Topic Pack – Miss LVT’s Range contains a huge range of weekly provision plans and ideas complete with tuff tray set up photos, adult-led teaching opportunities for each area of the EYFS, recommended books, activity sheets, key questions, differentiation and more, covering all areas of the EYFS.
Getting children outdoors and immersed with nature is part and parcel of the EYFS – we are always striving to get our children out and about as much as possible. This provision pack has been designed to work alongside the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch.
Explore the rest of Miss LVT’s naturally inspiring resource range!