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Maths Reception resources, Manipulating, composing and decomposing shapes resources, worksheets, activities, PowerPoints

In Reception, pupils typically begin to explore the concept of shapes through hands-on activities and play-based learning experiences. Here are some key objectives and activities related to manipulating, composing, and decomposing shapes in Reception:

1. **Recognising Shapes**: Pupils start by learning to identify and name basic shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. They may engage in activities like shape sorting games, where they match objects to their corresponding shapes.

2. **Exploring Properties**: Through exploration and experimentation, pupils learn about the properties of different shapes, such as the number of sides and corners. They might investigate shapes through sensory activities like tracing shapes in sand or playdough.

3. **Manipulating Shapes**: Pupils begin to manipulate shapes by combining them to create new forms or by taking them apart. They might use shape blocks or pattern blocks to build structures or create pictures.

4. **Composing and Decomposing Shapes**: Reception pupils explore how shapes can be composed (put together) or decomposed (taken apart) to form new shapes. They might use tangrams or shape puzzles to practise assembling and disassembling shapes.

5. **Spatial Awareness**: Pupils develop spatial awareness as they explore how shapes fit together and relate to one another. They might engage in activities like creating shape patterns or building with construction toys to develop these skills.

6. **Language Development**: Teachers support pupils’ language development by introducing vocabulary related to shapes, such as sides, corners, edges, and vertices. They encourage pupils to describe and compare shapes using these terms.

7. **Creative Expression**: Pupils have opportunities to express themselves creatively through shape-related art activities. They might create collages using different shapes, or use shapes as building blocks for imaginative play.

Overall, the focus in Reception is on building a foundational understanding of shapes through hands-on exploration and playful activities, laying the groundwork for further mathematical development in later years.

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