Can you believe that we’re nearing the end of 2020 and we are still faced with virtual learning, blended learning and online learning for children!? What a year it’s been. Whilst it can be difficult to find home learning resources for children, we’ve done everything we can to make it quick and easy for both parents and teachers to help children of all ages – EYFS, KS1 and KS2 – access high quality teaching and learning resources – that’s what we do after all! As a teacher, you can use our primary teaching resources to assign tasks to children, either through SeeSaw, Class Dojo or whatever app your school uses. Or you can simply print and go! As a parent, you can navigate our primary learning resources safe in the knowledge that primary teaching experts have created ALL of our resources, to ensure they are in one with the National Curriculum, Boom! Find out more about our Teaching Resources for Home Learning.
Home Learning Resources for EYFS
For children who are age 3-5 (early years) we have created some really fun and engaging learning activities for when their bubble at school bursts, or just for general use! Try our phase 2 phonics worksheets booklet – this is packed with engaging ideas that children should be able to do relatively independently in order to improve their understanding of phase 2 phonics. Don’t forget that our sister site, timeforphonics will also be available soon, so you will be able to use that as well!

Children of that age also really benefit from number formation activities and letter formation activities – get those little fingers moving!

If children aren’t quite ready to write, it’s a good idea to work on those fine motor skills with our playdough resources. Children of that age can also work on their counting skills using our fun counting resources like this snakes and ladders game resource!

Home Learning Resources for KS1
We’ve also lots of year 1 teaching resources and year 2 teaching resources – perfect for online learning! Try our phase 3 phonics worksheets booklet – packed full of exciting phonics activities and phonics games that children can complete independently.

We also have plenty of Ks1 reading comprehension resources that are brilliant to set for home learning tasks.

We also have a whole unit of maths lessons that parents can easily deliver at home with no prep – take a look at our KS1 maths scheme of work.
Home Learning Resources for KS2
KS2 children are generally able to work a bit more independently at home and as such, are able to progress further with their learning at home. Try our KS2 reading comprehension resources, from Fortnite to Joe Wicks!

We also have plenty of Ks2 maths worksheets that both parents and teachers can use with children as KS2 home learning resources, simply print and go!

Like what you see? You can sign up today and access ALL of our resources for one single payment for the whole year. For that you get access to thousands of high quality learning activities that kids and adults just love, created by subject experts.