Easter Bunny Cardboard Tube Craft

Easter bunny cardboard tube craft

Easter fun for everyone! We’re bringing you a series of blog posts showing you just how EASY crafting can be, and how literally anyone can do it, you just need to have a go! Today we’re showing you how to make this really cute and very easy Easter Bunny Cardboard Tube Craft. Don’t forget we also have a range of ready made Easter resources that you can just download and print as well.)

What you need:-

  • A cardboard tube – we used a kitchen roll cut in half.
  • yellow card.
  • glue
  • 2 googly eyes
  • felt tip pen or coloured pencils
  • strips of coloured paper – you can choose what you prefer
  • something for the nose, e.g. a pom pom or something you can stick on like a jewel
  • 1 pipe cleaner of any colour

Here’s what you do:-

  • First of all you need to wrap your cardboard tube in card. Cut the card down to size first then glue one side on whilst you wrap around. Then tuck in the cardboard at the top. Secure with glue.

Easter bunny cardboard tube craft Easter bunny cardboard tube craft   Easter bunny cardboard tube craft,  Easter bunny cardboard tube craft,

  • stick on the googly eyes
  • stick on 3 strips of paper overlapping each other, and glue the nose on top.
  • fashion the pipe cleaner into two loops, and cut off the excess. Glue to the top of the tube.
  • draw on a mouth. You’re done!

Easter bunny cardboard tube craft,

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