Small Steps: Sorting objects enhanced provision/practical
Aligned with the maths mastery approachk, this Year 1 | Sorting Objects Enhanced Provision | Practical Activity is designed to go alongside our year 1 maths mastery lesson presentations, where the learning has been modelled. This activity is designed to cover the following objectives:
- Topic: place value>sorting objects.
- Small Steps: sort objects
- National Curriculum: Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. Identify and represent numbers using different representations.
This lesson allows pupils to practise sorting objects before they move onto counting objects. It gives them experience of sorting objects and lining them up in different ways. Children should cut out the shapes and sort them according to our criteria, using their reasoning skills to explain why.
Instructions: This activity allows pupils to practise sorting objects before they move onto counting objects. It gives them experience of sorting objects and lining them up in different ways. It can be done on a desk or on a tuff tray as an enhanced provision activity.
Prompts: Ask children to explain why they have sorted the objects the way they have, why have other children sorted theirs differently, could objects be sorted in more than one way?
Differentiation: Encourage more able children to gather their own objects to sort, explaining why they have chosen them. Encourage children to decide and write their own sorting characteristic on the final sheet rather than using the labels.
Explore our sorting objects resources.