Year 1 one more ones less activities
Aligned with the maths mastery approach, these Year 1 | One More and One Less to 50 Activity Cards are designed to be used alongside our Year 1 One More and One Less Lesson Presentation and allows children to take part in hands-on practical activities that would be ideal for either continuous provision, or for during dedicated maths lessons. The cards should be clear enough for children to do independently, once the learning has been modelled in the above presentation. These cards are also brilliant for sticking in children’s books alongside photographs, to demonstrate learning and progression. Great for anti-worksheet schools!
The cards require children to put one more object into a ten frame.
Topic: Place Value (within 50)
This lesson focuses on finding one more and one than numbers up to 50.
Small Steps: One more one less.
NC Links: Count to 50 forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any numbers. *Count, read, and write numbers to 50 in numerals. *Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line. *Given a number, identify one more or one less.
TAF Statements: Working Towards: Read and write numbers in numerals (to 50) *Partition a two-digit number into tens and ones and demonstrate an understanding of place value, through they may use structured resources to support them.
Ready-to-progress criteria: 1NPV-1 Count within 100 forwards and backwards, starting with any number
Previous experience: Begin to develop a sense of the number system by verbally counting forward to and beyond 20, pausing at each multiple of q10.
Future applications: Count through the number system. *Place value within 100
Explore our year 1 place value resources for Spring 2.