SPaG Scheme Year 4 Summer Lesson 3: Select Appropriate Pronouns and Nouns Within and Across Sentences

Year 4 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 2 Summer Lesson 3: Use the Suffix ‘-ly’ to Form Adverbs

KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 3 Summer Lesson 3: Identify Main and Subordinate Clauses in Sentences

KS2 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …


SPaG Scheme Year 1 Summer Lesson 3: Use Capital Letters and Full Stops to Demarcate Sentences

KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …


SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Lesson 2: Convert Nouns or Adjectives into Verbs Using Suffixes

Year 5 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Lesson 1: Use Verb Prefixes (for example, dis–, de–, mis–, over– and re–)

Year 5 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 6 Summer Lesson 2: Identify and use the Future Perfect Tense

Year 6 SPaG lessons Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 6 Summer Lesson 1: Explore and use Hyphens to Avoid Ambiguity

Year 6 SPaG lessons Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 5 – Summer Term – Lesson Plans and Rationale

KS2 SPaG scheme of work This set of plans is designed to be used in the Summer term of Year 5. However, the resources could be adapted and used for …


SPaG Scheme Year 6 – Summer Term – Lesson Plans and Rationale

KS2 SPaG scheme of work This set of plans is designed to be used in the Summer term of Year 6. However, the resources could be adapted and used for …


SPaG Scheme Year 4 Summer Lesson 2: Use Possessive Pronouns within Sentences

Year 4 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 4 Summer Lesson 1: Use Apostrophes to Mark Plural Possession

Year 4 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …


SPaG Scheme Year 4 – Summer Term – Lesson Plans and Rationale

KS2 SPaG scheme of work This set of plans is designed to be used in the Summer term of Year 4. However, the resources could be adapted and used for …


SPaG Scheme Year 3 Summer Lesson 2: Generate and use Conjunctions to Express Time, Place and Cause

KS2 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …


SPaG Scheme Year 3 Summer Lesson 1: Recognise how Word Families are Related in Form and Meaning

KS2 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …


SPaG Scheme Year 3 – Summer – Lesson Plans and Rationale

KS2 SPaG scheme of work SPaG Scheme Year 3 – Summer – Lesson Plans and Rationale are designed to be used in the Summer term of Year 3. However, the …


SPaG Scheme Year 6 Summer Term Spelling Strand

Year 6 spelling resources This SPaG Scheme Year 6 Summer Term Spelling Strand contains weekly spelling lists for a whole academic year and can be used alongside the rest of …


SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Term Spelling Strand

Year 5 spelling resources This SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Term Spelling Strand contains weekly spelling lists for a whole academic year and can be used alongside the rest of …
