SPaG Scheme Year 3 Summer Lesson 6: Generate and use Prepositions to Express Time, Place and Cause
KS2 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
SPaG Scheme Year 1 Summer Lesson 7: Use ‘and’ to Join Words and Clauses
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
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SPaG Scheme Year 1 Summer Lesson 6: Identify and Use Question Marks, Full Stops and Exclamation Marks
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
SPaG Scheme Year 2 Summer Lesson 7: Select and Consistently Use the Correct Tense (Past or Present – Including the Progressive Forms)
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 2 Summer Lesson 6: Use Full Stops, Capital Letters, Exclamation Marks and Question Marks to Punctuate Sentences
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Lesson 5: Create Complex Sentences Where the Relative Pronoun is Omitted
Year 5 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 4 Summer Lesson 5: Use and Punctuate Fronted Adverbials for ‘When’ and ‘Where’
Year 4 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 3 Summer Lesson 5: Use Headings and Sub-Headings to Aid Presentation
KS2 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
SPaG Scheme Year 2 Summer Lesson 5: Write Sentences Using Co-ordinating Conjunctions (when, if, that, because)
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 1 Summer Lesson 5: Use Capital Letters for Names and I
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
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SPaG Scheme Year 6 Summer Lesson 4: Recognise and use Headings and Subheadings
Year 6 SPaG lessons Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
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SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Lesson 4: Use Relative Pronouns and Clauses, Both at the end of Sentences and Embedded Within
Year 5 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 4 Summer Lesson 4: Use all Punctuation in Direct Speech
Year 4 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
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SPaG Scheme Year 3 Summer Lesson 4: Start to use Paragraphs as a Way to Group Related Material
KS2 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
SPaG Scheme Year 2 Summer Lesson 4: Write Sentences Using Co-ordinating Conjunctions (and, or, but)
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
SPaG Scheme Year 1 Summer Lesson 4: Sequence Sentences to Form a Narrative
KS1 SPaG scheme of work Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. …
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SPaG Scheme Year 6 Summer Lesson 3: Use the Passive in Written Sentences
Year 6 SPaG lessons Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …
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SPaG Scheme Year 5 Summer Lesson 3: Use Modal Verbs and Adverbs to Indicate Degrees of Possibility
Year 5 SPaG worksheets Spectacular SPaG is an exciting pick up and go SPaG scheme, using small steps, designed to save you time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. SPaG …