Phonics Phase 3 Sentence Unscramble – ai Sound

Phonics Phase 3 Sentence Unscramble – ai Sound

Phonics Phase 3 Sentence Scramble - ai Sound

More phonics resources from Mrs Mactivity! Use this Phonics Phase 3 Sentence Unscramble – ai Sound to help children with their phase 3 phonics learning. Help children to experience a variety of words that include the “ai” phoneme and incorporate them in sentences.

How to use:-

  • Cut out the words from the scrambled sentence as directed.
  • Ask children to figure out which order they go in, try a few different ways then when they are happy, stick them onto the sheet as directed.
  • For extra challenge, write the sentence underneath for handwriting practice.

Four different sheets to choose from – or do them all!

Explore the rest of our Phonics Resources here.


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