Year 4 Summer Block 4

Topic – geometry: shape

Small steps

➡️ Recognise turns and angles
➡️ Identify right, acute and obtuse angles
➡️ Compare and order angles
➡️ Identify types of triangles
➡️ Identify types of quadrilaterals
➡️ Identify regular and irregular polygons
➡️ Identify lines of symmetry
➡️ Complete symmetrical shapes and patterns

National curriculum

🏫 Identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size
🏫 Compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes
🏫 Identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations
🏫 Complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry

Year 4 shape resources summer block 4, White Rose year 4 shape resources

Are you a Year 4 teacher looking to save time and get your hands on outstanding shape resources? Discover a wealth of resources tailored to your needs! Our huge collection of year 4 maths resources includes Year 4 shape worksheets and comprehensive Year 4 geometry lesson plans to guide your teaching. Find printable shape activities for Year 4 and explore resources on Year 4 2D and 3D shapes. Engage your pupils with interactive shape games for Year 4 and get ideas for teaching shapes to Year 4 pupils. Our materials align with the Year 4 geometry resources and include essential shape vocabulary for Year 4. Assess your pupils’ understanding with our Year 4 math shape assessments and inspire learning with hands-on shape activities for Year 4.

What do children learn about shape in year 4?

In the summer term, Year 4 pupils should build on their understanding of shapes with a focus on both 2D and 3D shapes. Here are the key learning objectives typically covered:

2D Shapes:
1. Identifying and Classifying Shapes:
– Recognise and name common 2D shapes, such as squares, rectangles, triangles, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons.
– Classify shapes based on their properties, including the number of sides and angles.

2. Properties of Shapes:
– Identify types of angles (right, acute, obtuse).
– Understand and identify lines of symmetry in various shapes.
– Recognise congruent shapes and understand that congruent shapes are identical in shape and size.

3. Perimeter and Area:
– Calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes by measuring and adding the lengths of sides.
– Introduce the concept of area and measure the area of rectangles by counting squares.

Year 4 3D Shape resources:
1. Identifying and Naming Shapes:
– Recognise and name common 3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids, spheres, cones, and cylinders.

2. Properties of 3D Shapes:
– Describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the number of faces, edges, and vertices.
– Compare and classify 3D shapes based on their properties.

3. Nets of 3D Shapes:
– Explore nets of 3D shapes and understand how they fold to form 3D objects.

Spatial Reasoning and Geometry:
1. Drawing and Constructing Shapes:
– Draw 2D shapes accurately using rulers and protractors.
– Create nets for 3D shapes and construct them.

2. Symmetry and Transformations:
– Identify and draw lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.
– Understand and perform simple shape transformations, such as translations, rotations, and reflections.

3. Coordinate Grids:

– Plot points and draw shapes on a coordinate grid in the first quadrant.

 Practical Applications:
1. Real-Life Contexts:
– Apply understanding of shapes to solve real-life problems and puzzles.
– Use shapes and their properties in practical tasks, such as designing a simple model or drawing plans.

These learning objectives help build a strong foundation in geometry, preparing pupils for more advanced concepts in later years. Activities, hands-on tasks, and interactive resources can greatly enhance the learning experience, making it engaging and enjoyable for Year 4 pupils.