Reception maths addition and subtraction summer term

What should Reception children learn about addition and subtraction?

For Reception children,  learning about addition and subtraction should focus on building foundational understanding through hands-on and interactive activities. Here are some key concepts they can explore:

1. **Counting:** Children should have a solid grasp of counting objects up to at least 10 and ideally up to 20. They should be able to count forwards and backwards.

2. **One-to-One Correspondence:** Understanding that each number word represents one object is crucial. This can be reinforced through activities like counting objects and touching each one as they count.

3. **Number Recognition:** They should be able to recognise and identify numbers up to at least 10, both in numeral form and as written words.

4. **Basic Addition:** Introduce the concept of combining two groups of objects to find the total. This can be done through activities like counting groups of objects and then combining them to find the total. For example, “If we have 2 apples and we add 3 more, how many apples do we have altogether?”

5. **Basic Subtraction:** Begin with the concept of taking away or removing objects from a group. Use tangible objects like counters or toys to physically remove items and count what’s left. For example, “If we have 5 biscuits and we eat 2, how many biscuits are left?”

6. **Simple Word Problems:** Introduce very basic word problems that involve addition and subtraction within 5. Use language and visuals that are relatable and understandable to young children.

7. **Hands-On Activities:** Utilise hands-on materials like counting blocks, counters, or toys to make learning engaging and concrete.

8. **Grouping and Partitioning:** Help children understand that numbers can be broken down into smaller parts and combined again. For instance, showing that 4 can be broken down into 2 and 2, or into 1 and 3.

9. **Comparisons:** Introduce the concept of more than, less than, and equal to. Use visual aids like drawings or objects to help them understand these concepts.

10. **Repetition and Practice:** Regular practice is key to solidifying these foundational skills. Use a variety of activities to keep learning fun and engaging.

Remember that at this stage, the emphasis should be on building understanding through exploration and play rather than rote memorization or abstract reasoning. Keep activities simple, interactive, and fun to foster a positive attitude towards math.