White Rose EYFS Maths Autumn Term, EYFS block 1 resources, EYFS baseline resources, EYFS maths curriculum, EYFS maths mastery activities, EYFS maths mastery long term plan, EYFS maths baseline resources
Explore our complete EYFS maths scheme of work, covering Reception-aged children. Includes comprehensive lesson planning, lesson slides, practical activities, maths worksheets and more. White Rose EYFS maths scheme of work including EYFS maths baseline resources.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a framework for the education and development of children from birth to age five in the UK. As part of the EYFS, children are assessed against a set of early learning goals, including a maths baseline.

The maths baseline is an assessment of a child’s early numeracy skills, which are essential for their future academic success. It provides a starting point for measuring progress in maths throughout the EYFS and into Key Stage 1.

The maths baseline assessment consists of a series of tasks that assess a child’s understanding of number, shape, space, and measurement. These tasks are designed to be age-appropriate, and the assessment is carried out by a child’s teacher or early years practitioner.

The maths baseline assessment is not a formal test, and there is no pass or fail. Instead, it provides teachers with valuable information about each child’s maths abilities and helps them to plan their teaching and support accordingly.

The EYFS maths baseline assessment is part of the wider EYFS Profile, which includes assessments in other areas of learning, such as communication and language, physical development, and personal, social, and emotional development. The Profile provides a holistic picture of each child’s strengths and areas for development, and helps teachers to plan personalised learning experiences that meet the needs of each individual child.

In summary, the EYFS maths baseline assessment is an important tool for assessing and supporting children’s early numeracy skills. It provides teachers with valuable information about each child’s maths abilities, which can help them to plan effective teaching and support to help children achieve their full potential.